Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dems Want To Give S.S. Recepients A $250 Check

Last week it was learned that for the second year in a row America's social security recipients will not get a cost of living adjustment (COLA) to their checks.   In the 35 year history of the COLA adjustment, this is the first time the COLA will not be given for two years in a row.   For rich retirees, this may not mean much.   But for the millions of elderly retirees for whom their social security check, as small as it is, is their only source of income, this is really bad news.

The government may say there hasn't been enough inflation to justify the COLA, but those depending on social security for their survival know better.   While gasoline prices have dropped (the biggest reason for the low inflation numbers), food and rent certainly have not.   Both keep going up, and since these are far bigger expenditures for retirees, they are being squeezed more with every passing month.

Fortunately, President Obama and the Democrats want to help a little.   The president has announced that although a COLA raise can't be given because of the way the COLA law is written, he wants to give social security recipients a one-time payment of $250.   That may not sound like much to many of you, but for those relying on social security alone it would be a big help.

But don't count on ever seeing that money.   The Republicans are already making noises like they will filibuster and kill the small payment, just like they did when Democrats proposed the same thing last year.   It's funny that the Republicans will fight tooth-and-nail to get a huge tax break for rich people (who are already making record profits even though we're in a recession, but they can't spare a penny for the elderly poor who need the money just to survive.

This brings home the fact that the Republicans are the party of the rich, and could care less about poor or working Americans.   Social Security recipients need to remember this when they vote in November.   And all you teabaggers should pay attention.   I've seen the numbers, and about half of you are social security age or very near it.   Vote Republican and you vote to cut your own throats (since they'll not only kill the $250 payment, but will abolish or privatize social security and abolish Medicare).

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