Saturday, December 18, 2010

Average IQ Of Texas Democrats Rises

The overweight fool pictured above is State Rep. Aaron Pena of Edinburgh, Texas.   A few days ago he, along with State Rep. Allan Ritter of Nederland, switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.   Republican leaders are celebrating the switch, while Democrats statewide are breathing a sigh of relief.

My first thought upon hearing about the party switch was to think of what was said when John Connally and Phil Gramm made the same switch a few years ago - These party switches have raised the IQ of both political parties.   I doubt that either man will be missed by any Democrats.

I don't know much about Ritter or the Nederland area, but I think Pena may have just committed political suicide.   The odds are no better than 50-50 for any candidate that switches political parties, since his old party will be energized to defeat him and his new party will probably have trouble trusting him.   It looks like the good people of Edinburgh will now have a chance to replace Pena with a real Democrat.

Some bloggers are pointing out that these switches will give Republicans a super-majority (101 Republicans to 49 Democrats) in the Texas House.   I don't think it actually makes much difference since both of them would vote with Republicans most of the time anyway.   I say good riddance to both of them.  

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