Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A Great One Is Gone

For all of us Cowboys fans the world is a little bit darker today.   Don Meredith died on Sunday in Sante Fe, New Mexico.   He was 72 years old.   "Dandy Don" never took the Cowboys to a Super Bowl, but he did put them on the road to greatness.   He quarterbacked their first winning season and took them to two NFL championship games.

He was a fine broadcaster and a good actor after he retired from football, but he'll always have a place in my heart for his Cowboys accomplishments -- that and the big smile he always wore.   He will always have a place among the greatest of Cowboys players, and leaves some very big shoes for current and future players to fill.

Rest in peace Don Meredith.  


  1. i love the story where they're playing Pittsburgh and they have been sacking his ass all day ..so to change it up instead of saying hut hut..he's going peaches, pineapples, etc. and the Steelers were laughing so hard they had to call a time out..I loved ole Don...and will miss him..

  2. ♫ Turn out the lights, the party's over ♫

    Dandy Don will indeed be missed.


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