Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Gift For All Democrats

Today should be a great day for Democrats everywhere -- a day that they get one of the best gifts they will receive this year.   What is it that is so great?   Listen to this.

Erika Masonhall, a spokeswoman for Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut), told the media,   "After many thoughtful conversations with family and friends over the last several months, Sen. Lieberman made a decision about his future over the holidays which he plans to announce Wednesday."   Lieberman has a press conference scheduled for 12:30 pm (EST).   Another anonymous aide of the senator said Lieberman is going to announce that he will not run for re-election in 2012.

This is good news since it's been a long time since Lieberman acted or voted like a Democrat anyway, and his decision will allow the citizens of Connecticut to replace him with a real Democrat -- one that will vote with the party and the president.   Lieberman had been saying recently that he thought he could be elected to another term in spite of the fact that his poll numbers have recently plummeted in his home state.   It looks like that was just bravado and he has seen the writing-on-the-wall.

It's a shame that he couldn't have retired sooner.   He is one of those senators that was involved in killing the public option when the health care reform bill was being debated.   He has also been a big supporter of banks and credit card companies, and helped to water down the re-regulation of the financial industry.

Those kinds of things were bad enough, but Lieberman embarrassed himself and the Democratic Party (who he still caucuses with on Capitol Hill) when he refused to support Barack Obama in 2008.   He actually went to the Republican National Convention and offered support for the McCain/Palin ticket, and then campaigned for them.

Lieberman should have been thrown out of the Democratic Caucus long ago, and it's a relief that we won't have to worry about him any more after the 2012 election.   It would be nice if he spent his remaining time in the senate actually voting for Democratic causes, but I'm not going to hold my breath.   He sold out to the corporations a long time ago.

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