Thursday, January 20, 2011

Killing Health Care Reform & Political Theater

Well, they did it.   The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted 245 to 189 to repeal the health care reform law passed by the last Congress and signed into law by President Obama.   To their great shame, three Democrats joined the 242 Republicans in voting to repeal health care reform -- Rep. Boren (Oklahoma), Rep. McIntyre (North Carolina) and Rep. Ross (Arkansas).  

Before the final vote, Rep. Rob Andrews (D-New Jersey) proposed that the bill be amended to not go into effect until a majority of Congress gave up their government insurance ($700 a month of which is paid by American taxpayers).   Eight Republicans have already done this, but the other 234 Republicans who voted to strip Americans of either insurance or the protections offered by the new health care law, showed their hypocrisy by retaining their cushy government-sponsored insurance.   They want government insurance for themselves -- it's just everyone else they want to keep from getting it.

Of course this was nothing more than political theater, aimed at the teabagger base of the Republican Party.   Those who voted to approve the repeal of health care reform know it has absolutely no chance of actually being repealed.   The bill will not pass the Senate, and may never even get a vote in the Senate.   Even if by some miracle it could pass the Senate, it would be vetoed by President Obama.   The law is not going to be repealed.

However, that does not mean it will be allowed to take effect as is.   Now the real battle begins, and that is the battle to fund the health care reform.   While the Republicans can't actually repeal the law, their control of the House of Representatives may give them enough power to defund health care reform.   And without funds, much of the reform would die of "starvation" -- especially the extension of benefits to those who currently have no health insurance.

But hypocritical and mean-spirited is the very definition of a modern Republican, and oddly enough much of that teabagger base they were appealing to with yesterday's vote against health care, are already receiving government health care (in the form of Medicare).   Those people should be thankful the Democrats created that program, because the Republicans never would have.   They care for no one but the rich.

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