Thursday, January 20, 2011

Obama Has Primary Opponent (Sort Of)

After the failure of President Obama to fight for a public option in health care reform, stronger regulations on Wall Street and then his giving in to Republicans on massive tax cuts for the rich, many people on the left were calling for someone to run against the president in the 2012 Democratic primary.   Well, there is going to be someone running against the president in the primary, but I don't think it's someone the left (or nearly any Democrat) can support.

Randall Terry, christian fundamentalist and right-wing nutbag, has announced he will be running for president in the Democratic primary in 2012.   Terry is best known for his involvement in Operation Rescue, a rabid anti-abortion group.  

There is no hope of Terry (pictured) defeating the president in any Democratic primary, and I think he'll probably have a problem even getting on the primary ballot in most states.   He seems to know that, telling the media,   "Will I defeat Mr. Obama?   I'm not delusional.   But while I may not defeat him, I can expose the genocide Obama promotes in America and around the world."

This is nothing more than a publicity stunt.   Democrats don't believe Terry or any other politician should be able to deny women the right to control their own bodies.   He would be a much better fit in the teabagging insanity of the Republican Party.

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