Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Proof That Vatican Protected Pedophile Priests

Many of you will recognize the picture above as being of former Pope John Paul II.   He was a much-beloved Pope and recently the Catholic church has taken steps toward making him an official "saint".   He doesn't deserve that honor (or any other).  

Irish journalists have uncovered a letter from Pope John Paul II's diplomat to Ireland -- Archbishop Luciano Storero.   The letter orders the church in Ireland to NOT report priests found to be pedophiles to the civilian authorities (so they could be tried, convicted and punished for their dastardly crimes).   The letter threatens to punish church officials that don't follow the edict of the Vatican to keep priestly child molestation a secret.

We have known for a while now that the current Pope actively hid and protected child molesting priests while a church official in Germany.   This letter shows that he probably did it on the explicit orders of the Vatican.   After all, what was ordered by the Vatican to be done in Ireland was surely ordered in all other countries also.   And it is beyond belief to think the orders were issued without the knowledge of Pope John Paul II.

There is no doubt any more that the Catholic Church, specifically the Vatican, considered the safety of children to be secondary to saving the church from bad publicity.   That is indefensible, and so is even thinking of making a protector of child molesters a "saint".

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