Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Another Bush Comes Out For Gay Marriage

While he was president George W. Bush tried to get a constitutional amendment through Congress that would outlaw homosexual marriages -- thus invalidating the same-sex marriages that are legal in several states now. But it looks like he may be the only one in his family with that view. A few months ago his wife Laura said she supported the right of all Americans to get married, regardless of their sexual preference.

Now another family member has publicly disagreed with the former president. His daughter Barbara, who lives in Manhattan, has made an ad for the Human Rights Campaign. The ad is for their "New Yorkers for Marriage Equality" campaign.

In the video Ms. Bush says, "I'm Barbara Bush, and I'm a New Yorker for marriage equality. New York is about fairness and equality. And everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love. Join us."

It's nice to see that there are some Republicans who believe in equality for all American citizens.

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