Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tx Republicans Try To Steal Education Funds (Again)

Back in 2009, schools all over America were in trouble and it looked like many teachers and other employees would have to be laid off. But the U.S. Congress came to the rescue. They passed a stimulus bill specifically for education that was designed to save education jobs. Forty-nine states took the money and used it to shore up the funding for their schools as the bill was intended. Texas didn't.

Texas took the money -- about $3.25 billion. But not a single school anywhere in the state got a penny of that money. The Republican governor and state legislature knew what the federal government gave them the money for -- they just didn't care. Instead of using the money for education, as was intended, they took the money and put it in the state's "rainy day" fund. And yes, that is the same "rainy day" fund that they now refuse to touch even though the state has a huge budget shortfall and Republicans now say they must make massive cuts to state education funds -- cuts that could cost the jobs of up to 100,000 school employees.

The federal government did not appreciate Texas' misuse of funds earmarked for education. So when they passed another education stimulus bill in 2010, this time with about $830 million for Texas schools, they put a stipulation in the bill. Texas could not get the funds unless they signed an agreement that they would use the funds as Congress intended -- as a supplemental stimulus for education.

Governor Perry has refused to sign the agreement -- a sure sign that Texas had no intention of using the money for education. And because the governor refused to agree to follow the law, the Department of Education has refused to release the money to the state of Texas. This has resulted in an inordinate amount of whining and complaining by Republican politicians in the state. How dare the federal government require federal funds be used for their intended purpose!

Now the Texas Republicans in the U.S. Congress are trying to do an end run around the law. They have introduced a bill in the House, backed by all 23 Texas Republican House members, that would force the Department of Education to release the education funds to Texas -- without requiring Texas to spend the money on education. To be blunt, the Republicans want the governor to be able to once again steal those education funds to use as he wants (probably to reward some company with more corporate welfare -- something the state Republicans are good at).

The bill might actually have a chance to be approved by the House of Representatives, since the federal-hating Republicans are in control there. But if there's any justice in the world, it will be killed before it becomes law.

There is no logical reason for Texas to think it's a special case -- that it doesn't have to follow the same rules that all of the other states follow. Personally, I think the money should not only be required to be spent to supplement education, but it should not be released until Texas either gives the first $3.25 billion to the schools (or return it to the federal government).

The governor and his Republican cohorts are playing politics with the future of Texas school children. They should be ashamed of themselves, but Texas Republicans have no shame (or conscience).

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