Thursday, March 03, 2011

Out Of Touch With Reality

Political Cartoon is by Lee Judge in the Kansas City Star.

1 comment:

  1. You've given me the perfect opening for a comment I've been wanting to make since February 19th.

    Last February, you published a post entitled "Hard Times for Beck and Palin," in which you made a prediction that if things kept getting worse for Beck, Fox News would "find another right-winger for Beck's time slot -- one that's a lot less offensive."

    I challenged your prediction and made one of my own.

    My prediction was that "one year from now (February 19, 2011), Beck will still be on Fox News, and he'll still be kicking CNN and MSNBC's butt in the ratings."

    (Here's a link to that thread.)

    Well, things kept getting worse for Beck, but not only is he still on Fox News, as of the Cable News Ratings for Friday, February 18, 2011 (sorry, the 19th was a Saturday, so no ratings), he was still beating the closest rival for his time slot (Hardball with Chris Matthews) by almost exactly 3 to 1.

    In the meantime, MSNBC got rid of Keith Olberman; I guess they needed to replace him with someone that's a lot less offensive ;)


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