Monday, March 14, 2011

Republicans Still Want To Cut Social Security And Medicare

I have been saying for a while now that the Republicans in Congress aren't really interested in cutting the deficit. If they were they wouldn't have pushed through an unneeded and massive tax cut for the rich -- a move that increased the deficit by nearly 50%, about $400 billion. As they showed during the Bush administration, they have no problem with a large and growing deficit as long as the money borrowed is used to increase military spending or fatten corporate bank accounts.

What they are opposed to is the government spending any money to help ordinary Americans, like on unemployment insurance, help for the poor and disabled, Social Security, Medicare and other such necessary programs. It doesn't matter to them that these programs are working, and many times are the only thing keeping people from starving, being homeless, or going without medical care. They seem to believe that if you wanted food, housing, education or medical care then you should have been born rich.

But the two programs they seem to hate the most are Social Security and Medicare -- the so-called "entitlements". They didn't support these programs when they were established and they've been trying to destroy them ever since then. And in case there was any doubt in your mind, last weekend Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell (pictured), reaffirmed the desire of all 47 Senate Republicans to make substantial cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

In fact, he says they are willing to stop a raising of the government debt ceiling unless cuts to those programs are made -- a move that could not only cause serious damage to the American economy (perhaps throwing the nation into a full-blown depression), but could have enormous financial implications to economies around the world. They simply don't care how much damage they do as long as they and their rich buddies can increase the size of their already bulging bank accounts.

They still seem to think they can fool the American people into thinking these "entitlements" are the reason for the deficit. They aren't. They aren't even paid for out of general funds (which makes up the deficit spending). They actually have a surplus, and with only minor revisions can remain healthy far into the future -- meaning cuts are NOT needed in these programs. The cuts that are needed are the Republican giveaways to the rich and the corporations.

They are lying and they know it. They are just counting on ordinary Americans to not know they are lying. It's time to call them on their lies.

1 comment:

  1. Republican employees don't need social security or medicare cuz they have a federal plan. So it aint important to them.


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