Friday, April 01, 2011

Draft Perry For President !!!

All right, I'm on board! I think it's time for all right-thinking Americans to jump on the Draft Rick Perry For President bandwagon. After the "economic miracle" he has performed in the state of Texas, how could we do anything else? Just consider the following amazing accomplishments of the governor:

* He has the state at near full-employment (with only an insignificant 8.6% unemployment).

* He has the state government in great financial shape (with only a piddling $27 billion budget shortfall for the next biennium).

* He has the schools so fully-funded that they will be able to do without $10 billion in funds (and he did it with the lowest per-pupil funding ratio in the nation).

* He has all state agencies running smoothly and delivering maximum services (even though budget cuts have left many of them with only skeleton crews).

* He has eliminated the need for an effective juvenile justice system in the state (because those kids are better off in an adult prison anyway).

* He has insured that all deserving people get medical care (and if the 27% without health insurance really wanted medical care they would have been born rich).

* He has made sure students get a great education (and reduced the drop-out rate to a mere 30% of those entering high school).

* He has created jobs for workers (never mind that Texas leads the nation in the number of low-wage no-benefit jobs).

* He has provided government subsidies for corporations to create jobs (and someday they might actually create some jobs).

* He has provided for a clean and healthy environment (and if Texas was a nation it would rank only 7th in the amount of pollution produced now).

How can anyone argue with such a near-perfect performance record? I encourage everyone to join me in the effort to draft Rick "Good Hair" Perry for president. Then he can perform the same miracles for our nation that he has performed here in Texas!

(NOTE -- This is April Fool's Day.)


  1. And, being a secessionist, as President he'd green-light the withdrawal of Texas from the US, ensuring that no Republican could ever be elected president again.

    (Again -- April fool's day.)


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