Friday, April 01, 2011

Vermont To Approve "Single-Payer"

The good people of the state of Vermont may well be the most imminently sensible people of any state in the union. They have sent two of the best senators to Washington -- Patrick Leahy (D) and Bernie Sanders (I). Now it looks like they have also elected one of the best state legislatures and governors also.

While most state governments are whining about having to cover more people with health insurance, even though they don't have to cover everyone and the federal government picks up most of the tab, Vermont has decided that instead of complaining they are going to do the right thing. They are going to cover everyone in the state with good single-payer health insurance.

When elected, Governor Peter Shumlin challenged the legislature to do what was best for the people of Vermont. He said, "Become the first state in the country to make the first substantive step to deliver a health care system where health care will be a right and not a privilege." And the legislature is now acting on that challenge.

A few days ago the Vermont House of Representatives approved a bill that would take four years to put all the states citizens into a government-run single-payer health insurance system. And the vote wasn't even close. The bill was approved 92 to 49. Now the bill goes to the state senate, where it is expected to pass. The program, called Green Mountain Care system, will be similar to the federal Medicare system (which cover all Americans over the age of 65) except it will apply to all Vermonters regardless of age or income.

Think Progress reports that at least 200 doctors from 39 states have signed an open letter saying they will consider moving their practice to Vermont if the bill becomes law. As Dr. Scott Graham, a Kentucky family physician, said, "The idea of having one set of rules, one form for billing, and knowing that all patients are covered -- that would be wonderful."

This is something that's going to have to happen in this country someday. The only question is when. The private insurance companies are raising rates and cutting coverage every year, and will soon price themselves out of reach of most Americans and most businesses. And they are making medical decisions that should be made by doctors (by telling medical professionals what they will and won't pay for).

Vermont is to be congratulated for leading the way. Now how long will it take the rest of America to catch up? Sadly, I suspect it will be quite a while. And some states (like my own) will probably have to be dragged along into it while kicking and screaming. Unfortunately, far too many Americans hate any kind of change -- even when that change would benefit all Americans. But we'll get there -- someday.

1 comment:

  1. Curious Texan12/18/2014 8:43 PM

    It took a few years, but the Green Mountain Care system finally ran head long into fiscal reality. Can ObamaCare be far behind?


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