Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Comedians' Choice

Political Cartoon is by John Darkow in the Columbia Daily Tribune.


  1. When the bus tour was announced, I still wasn't convinced that Palin was going to run. But now I'm even more convinced that she won't. The evidence that I found most compelling came from Lawrence O'Donnell (yes, I do occasionally watch MSNBC).

    O'Donnell pointed out that on March 2, Bret Baer on FOX News announced that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich would no longer be FOX News contributors, leaving Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin as the only potential candidates still with the network. And, as we now know, Huckabee later announced that he would not be running.

    O'Donnell's theory is that Roger Ailes gave all four of them an ultimatum: either run for President or stay on at FOX, but you can't do both. Since Palin wasn't cut, she must have made her choice, like Huckabee, not to run.

    To my way of thinking, the choice was a logical one for Palin. As an undeclared "candidate," she can remain at the center of attention. Once she were to declare, she'd be just another face in the crowd. By not officially dropping out, she continues the speculation, adding to the spotlight on her. And the bus tour, with its last minute scheduling changes, is a way of leading the media around by the nose - kind of a payback, a little reminiscent of what Paul Newman did to both the media and the police in the movie "Absence of Malice."

    For those who love to hate Palin - not to worry! She's going to remain in the limelight for as long as possible. But I would be very surprised if she actually ran for the GOP presidential nomination. Her current status is the best of both worlds for her: all the the attention with virtually none of the scrutiny.

  2. I don't read or watch anything that leads with Mrs. P. I think there are plenty of fools running as Republicans to entertain us all.

    I look forward to a day Mrs. P is not on any media; newspaper, blog, TV, Radio, etc.


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