Thursday, June 02, 2011

I'm Back

Well, I'm back from my trip and finally back on-line. I wasn't able to get anything posted for yesterday because I spent nearly all of Tuesday (from 9:00am until 11:30pm) either on a train, on an airplane, or waiting around an airport (with a broken computer). But I got some rest last night, and today I finally got my computer hooked up to an old monitor I had laying around. It's not an ideal situation, but it works (and Apple tells me it would cost $700 to actually repair my computer -- which American Airlines won't pay for even though they are the ones who broke it).

I had a great time in New York. It's a great city and a beautiful state. I'd love to go back some time when I can stay longer.

I need to thank a few people. Jerry -- I enjoyed meeting you and really appreciate you coming to my rescue at the hotel and making sure things went smoothly. Rutherford -- it was great getting to meet you in person. The long conversation we had was scintillating and very enjoyable. Maybe next time we'll have enough time to solve all of the world's problems.

And a very special thank you goes out to Josh and Lynn. You both went out of your way to give this old country boy a really great time in New York (and that's exactly what I had). Although I suspect that being able to spend time with the two of you anywhere would be a special and memorable experience. Ya'll couldn't have been any nicer or more fun. Mucho Gracias!

And thank you to my readers for your patience. Blogging will now resume on a regular schedule (assuming the jerry-rigged computer holds up).


  1. Profoundly unsociable place!

  2. I can't agree with that. All the New Yorkers I met were very friendly and helpful.


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