Monday, June 20, 2011

Weiner's Out - Now How About Vitter ?

Well, it's over. Rep. Weiner has resigned his post. I think this was the right thing for him to do. He had lied to his constituents and the public in general, and he was becoming a distraction from the important problems this country needs to deal with.

But this now throws the ball back into the Republican's court. They were very quick to condemn the actions of Rep. Weiner, even though they have ignored the much worse perversions of a member of their own party (who still serves in Congress) -- Senator David Vitter (R-Louisiana).

While Weiner was guilty of texting some inappropriate pictures of himself to several women, Vitter actually engaged in depraved sexual activity with prostitutes (dressing in diapers and having them treat him as a baby). There is no doubt that this happened -- more than once. But not a single Republican has asked Vitter to resign (not even the ones that were quick to condemn Rep. Weiner). Evidently for Republicans, sex scandals are bad only if they happen to Democrats. They can easily forgive any perversion perpetrated by a fellow Republican.

Isn't it time for the Republicans to abandon their hypocrisy and demand that their own pervert resign his seat?


  1. While Weiner was guilty of texting some inappropriate pictures of himself to several women...

    ... and then denying it for a week, all the while coaching the women to lie about it too.

    It's not the "crime," it's the cover-up.


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