Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let Me Whine A Minute

This is just the fifth summer that I have lived in the Panhandle, and as I have told many of my friends, I really enjoy living here because of the weather -- especially the mild summers (compared to the rest of Texas). For example, as the rest of Texas roasted under a vicious sun last summer the Panhandle generally enjoyed temps in the mid-90s with little humidity. We only had one or two 100 degree days, and I loved that.

But I guess nothing lasts forever, and this year we are having a real scorcher of a summer to go along with our continuing drought. Today we had a temp of 103 degrees, and that was the 26th 100 degree day we have had this summer. That ties the record for Amarillo -- a record that was set way back in 1953. There is little doubt we will smash that record, since there is no relief in sight and about two months of summer left to go.

I have to admit I don't like this at all. I had thought I had escaped the summers full of 100 degree days. Weather like this makes me long for winter -- which usually isn't too bad in Texas (even here in the Panhandle where we can count on some snow every year). I certainly hope it's another 48 years before we have another summer like this.

Thanks for listening to me whine a bit. I just had to do it.

1 comment:

  1. we've had over 20+ days of 100 or over..our record is 42 days..we could break it..not something I'm crazy about..but I'm a wussy..go out in the am when it's cool and spend the rest of the day in the a/c reading and watching tv..i'm a wuss.


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