Sunday, July 24, 2011

Too Quick To Place Blame (On The Wrong People)

We don't normally think of Norway as a place plagued by terrorist acts, but they certainly were the victims of terrorism a couple of days ago. A government building was bombed in Oslo (probably by a fertilizer bomb like Oklahoma City) and seven people were killed. Then the terrorist(s) attacked a youth camp, killing at least 85 more people. Needless to say, it was a dastardly and inexcusable action regardless of who did it.

As usual, a lot of internet blogs, especially those on the right, and even some major media outlets in this country were quick to place blame for the terrorist acts in Norway. And the people they blamed were muslims (or "jihadists"). There was no evidence of that, but those placing blame were quick to point out that the attacks had the "earmarks" of a jihadist attack.

Actually it didn't have the earmarks of a jihadist attack at all. It had the earmark of a right-wing attack, since the fertilizer bomb is a trademark of right-wing extremists (like in Oklahoma City). But no one seems to remember Oklahoma City. The horrible attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11 has colored the thinking of Americans and the media -- both the internet media and the major media. We have programmed ourselves to think that any attack must be caused by islamic jihadists.

The crazy thing about that is that more attacks since 9/11 have been done by right-wing extremists than have been done by muslim extremists. And now we learn that the person arrested for the Norway attacks (and who has confessed to being involved) is not a muslim at all. He is a right-winger with ties to extremist organizations and is a fundamentalist christian. All of the media who were quick to jump on the jihadist bandwagon have now just made themselves look like bigoted fools.

It is past time for Americans (individuals, groups, and media) to check our behavior toward muslims -- both in this country and abroad. Far too many of us act like all muslims are complicit in the acts of a few vicious criminals. This doesn't make sense, especially in light of the fact that we aren't willing to do the same with christians (who have as many, if not more, of the same kind of vicious criminals).

The fact is that almost all muslims, just like almost all christians, are decent, honest, kind, and peaceful citizens who love their neighbors and their country. To treat them like anything else is nothing short of bigotry. And there is nothing uglier or more vicious than bigotry of any kind.

is this how we want to be known -- as a nation of bigots? For too long now decent people of all religions and political persuasions have been silent and let the right-wing extremist bigots paint this country as a place where religious bigotry (and racism and misogyny) is the norm. It isn't, and it's time to let the world know that.

I don't mean to paint all conservatives as bigots (even though I disagree with their politics). I know some who are not. But they need to join with moderates and progressives and let it be known that bigotry will not be tolerated or respected in this country (or anywhere else). We should never put up with bigotry just because the bigot may agree with us on some political issues, whether we are on the right or the left.

Down with bigotry, racism, and misogyny -- now and forever!

NOTE -- I'd like to recommend a website called My Fellow American, which is dedicated to fighting religious bigotry (especially toward muslims). It's worth your time.

1 comment:

  1. "The crazy thing about that is that more attacks since 9/11 have been done by right-wing extremists than have been done by muslim extremists."

    I'd be interested in knowing your source for this factoid. The list of terror incidents on Wikipedia doesn't seem to bear this out.


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