Monday, July 18, 2011

Walmart Jesus

A couple in Anderson County, South Carolina, is convinced that Jesus has appeared to them -- on their receipt from a local Walmart. And they want to share this "miracle" with the world. They said, "We just feel like it's a blessing that God showed it to us and opened our eyes. And we just feel like we should share the blessing God gave us to everybody else." It does bring up the question though -- how did they know it was Jesus? He never had his picture taken or sat for a painting, and the Bible never gave anyone a description of him. Frankly, to me it looks more like the mad Russian monk Rasputin, or maybe a drunk Jim Morrison (if it has to look like a person). In reality it's just some printer's ink blotches on paper. Picture is from the excellent blog No Godz.


  1. Hell Ted, that looks like YOU.

  2. KR-
    Wish I'd thought of Aqualung. It's a dead ringer.

    Could be, but it'd have to be a younger version of me (not enough grey), and I'd like to think I'd appear at a higher end store.

  3. These things always amaze me, given the fact no has the slightest idea what Jesus looked like.

  4. This story has everything.

    Jesus and Walmart. Republicans gather round... If that receipt would only endorse a candidate for President...


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