Friday, September 16, 2011

Higher Corporate Profits Doesn't Equal Jobs

Republicans are still trying to say that if the corporations could have more money they would create jobs. The above chart shows this is not true. Over the last 8 quarters, adjusted for inflation, corporate profits have risen about 50% -- but job creation remains flat. Just more proof that taxes have nothing to do with job creation.


  1. Which 8 quarters? It doesn't say they were necessarily the last 8 consecutive quarters...

  2. It does actually seem to be the last 8 consecutive quarters. You can find other (dated) graphs that show the same pattern, or you can look up the figures yourself.

    Aug 09 To Aug 2011

    Jobs: Up 0.5%
    Profits: Up 27% by June (couldn't find July/Aug).

    Overall, corporate profits are up above where they were before the recession hit.


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