Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Top 1% Are The Only Winners

Just another chart to show what the Republican economic policy has done to the distribution of money in the United States. If you are in the top 1% then you have made out like a bandit since 1979, but if you are in the bottom 90% then you have actually lost ground in that same time period. More proof that Republicans care only about the rich.


  1. Wow...

    But that line is awful vertical in the 1993-2001 period...
    Wait, Clinton largely put forth a Republican economic policy, so that would make sense...

    The rich have been so good at getting their message through since the 1970's that we are at that point where Pres. Obama can suggest plugging loopholes so the rich pay what we pay- and STILL get attacked as unfair to the rich.

    3rd world, here we come...

  2. I wish you weren't right - but you are.


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