Saturday, September 17, 2011

Unemployment Rises Again In Texas

Since his entry into the race for the Republican presidential nomination Rick Perry has been criss-crossing the nation bragging about his prowess at job creation in the state of Texas. I have posted before about what a ridiculous joke his claim is. There are more people out of work in Texas in spite of the jobs created (and his record of unemployment is even worse than his predecessor, George Bush).

In addition, Texas leads the nation in the number of minimum wage (or sub-minimum wage) jobs -- both in the total number and the percentage of hourly workers (making the median wage in Texas significantly lower than the national average). And then we have the rather embarrassing fact that at least 25 states (half of all the states) have a lower unemployment rate than Perry's Texas.

And it's getting worse. In July, the Texas unemployment rate climbed to 8.4%. Now the August figures have been released and they show the unemployment rate in Texas is still climbing. It is now 8.5%. Each month it inches closer to the national rate of 9.1%.

Just more proof that the Texas economic "miracle" is just another Republican lie.

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