Sunday, September 18, 2011

U.S. Ranks Poorly In Worldwide Unemployment

The Republican Party would like for Americans to think that the massive unemployment in this country (currently pegged by the government at 9.1%, but actually closer to 11% when all the unemployed are counted) is not their fault. They say it is the result of a worldwide recession and other countries are doing just as bad or worse. But that's either wishful thinking on their part, or just an outrageous lie. The truth is that the unemployment situation in the United States is worse than that of many other countries, and it is a direct result of the GOP's "trickle-down" economic policy -- a failed policy that most other countries were lucky enough (or smart enough) to avoid.

This is verified by a look at the figures compiled by our own Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in their World Factbook. It seems that there are a ton of countries with a lower unemployment rate than the United States. Following is a list of the 110 countries with the smallest unemployment rates. Note the position of the United States in this list -- and then punish the Republicans for it in the 2012 elections (both for causing the massive employment and blocking all efforts to fix it).

1. Monaco..........0.00%
2. Qatar..........0.50%
3. Azerbaijan..........0.90%
4. Guernsey..........0.90%
5. Belarus..........1.00%
6. Uzbekistan..........1.10%
7. Thailand..........1.10%
8. Liechtenstein..........1.50%
9. Cuba..........1.60%
10. Vanuatu..........1.70%

11. Papua New Guinea..........1.80%
12. Isle of Man..........1.80%
13. Seychelles..........2.00%
14. Kiribati..........2.00%
15. Bermuda..........2.10%
16. Jersey..........2.20%
17. Kuwait..........2.20%
18. Tajikistan..........2.20%
19. Singapore..........2.20%
20. United Arab Emirates...........2.40%

21. Laos..........2.50%
22. Andorra..........2.90%
23. Macau..........2.90%
24. Gibraltar..........3.00%
25. Guatemala..........3.20%
26. Malaysia..........3.40%
27. Cambodia..........3.50%
28. British Virgin Islands..........3.60%
29. Norway..........3.60%
30. Brunei..........3.70%

31. South Korea..........3.70%
32. San Marino..........3.80%
33. Faroe Islands..........3.90%
34. Switzerland..........3.90%
35. Cayman Islands..........4.00%
36. Bhutan...........4.00%
37. Panama..........4.20%
38. Palau..........4.20%
39. China..........4.30%
40. Hong Kong..........4.40%

41. Austria..........4.40%
42. Vietnam..........4.40%
43. Saint Kitts & Nevis..........4.50%
44. Cyprus..........4.60%
45. Nigeria..........4.90%
46. Japan..........5.00%
47. Bangladesh..........5.10%
48. Honduras..........5.10%
49. Australia..........5.20%
50. Taiwan..........5.20%

51. Mexico..........5.40%
52. Netherlands..........5.50%
53. Burma..........5.70%
54. Kazakhstan..........5.80%
55. Sri Lanka..........5.80%
56. Denmark..........5.90%
57. Montserrat..........6.00%
58. Luxembourg..........6.00%
59. Virgin Islands..........6.20%
60. Trinidad & Tobago..........6.40%

61. New Zealand..........6.50%
62. Uruguay...........6.70%
63. Israel..........6.70%
64. Malta..........6.70%
65. Brazil..........6.70%
66. Greenland..........6.80%
67. Aruba..........6.90%
68. Paraguay..........6.90%
69. Romania..........6.90%
70. Indonesia..........7.10%

71. Germany..........7.10%
72. Chile..........7.10%
73. Armenia..........7.10%
74. El Salvador..........7.20%
75. Costa Rica..........7.30%
76. Philippines..........7.30%
77. Moldova..........7.50%
78. Botswana..........7.50%
79. Ecuador..........7.60%
80. The Bahamas..........7.60%

81. Fiji..........7.60%
82. Russia..........7.60%
83. Nicaragua..........7.80%
84. Mauritius..........7.80%
85. United Kingdom..........7.80%
86. Peru..........7.90%
87. Argentina..........7.90%
88. Anguilla..........8.00%
89. Canada..........8.00%
90. Northern Mariana Islands..........8.00%

91. Central African Republic..........8.00%
92. Iceland..........8.10%
93. Ukraine..........8.10%
94. Syria..........8.30%
95. Bolivia..........8.30%
96. Belgium..........8.30%
97. Sweden..........8.40%
98. Finland..........8.40%
99. Italy..........8.40%
100. Venezuela..........8.50%

101. Egypt..........9.00%
102. Czech Republic..........9.00%
103. Morocco..........9.10%
104. France..........9.30%
105. Bulgaria..........9.50%
106. Suriname..........9.50%
107. European Union..........9.50%
108. United States..........9.60%
109. Algeria..........10.00%
110. Turks & Caicos Islands..........10.00%

NOTE -- The United States is listed by the CIA at 9.6% because they are using 2010 figures. It is currently at 9.1% according to the government (and they don't count all the unemployed).

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