Thursday, September 01, 2011

Wise Words

These are wise words from an American hero. Found at the blog What Would Jack Do?.


  1. I wouldn't say it always coincides with their own desires, but certainly that's all too often the case.

    About 15 years ago, a guy in my Sunday School class rather ceremoniously announced that the Lord had told him to move to Saint Louis to manage a tire company. I usually have my doubts when someone is so certain and so specific about God's will, but I wished him well.

    Within a few months, he was back. I don't think it was because God had changed His mind.

    It's been my experience that, like He did with Elijah so many centuries ago, the Lord still speaks in a still small voice. I think He does that for two reasons: to get people to shut up and listen; and to serve as a role model so His people don't go around shooting off their mouths.

    I only wish more people (myself included) would heed His advice more often.

  2. Reading the Bible gives you the examples of how not to do things. The book of Judges has more Hebrews killed by Hebrews than by Gentiles, and more Hebrews killed by Hebrews than Gentiles killed by Hebrews.

    So God comes down, lives with us as one of us, tells us "Hey, Don't Kill Each Other and especially not in My Name".
    Everybody says "Hey,cool!" then they off Him (whether or not you believe He came back) found another sect in His name and then kill each other some more.

    I just think some people never stop to think about that.

    I don't mind that people love each other and then say "Hey, God commanded it". That would be a really cool and righteous way to "blame" God for their own intentions.

    The others are brothers and sisters I'd just as rather disown. Can't do it though. Even if I were to renounce faith it would be wrong.


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