Monday, October 03, 2011

Insurance Company Greed

This is what the private insurance companies have done to their customers in the last 12 years. Both the single and family premiums have more than doubled in that short period of time. That simply can't be justified (but the Republicans in Congress have no problem with it). The Affordable Care Act is supposed to help contain these costs. Will it? Only time will tell. From the pages of Think Progress.


  1. In the business world that's not called greed. It's called maximization of profit.

  2. That entire industry is corrupt and full of robber barons. All everyone is really paying for are massive and very costly pervasive ad campaigns, and way beyond common sense salaries for the piggish CEOs. We are completely insurance crazy in this country. What a waste of time and money!

  3. Given the current environment and history of past efforts to reign in costs, it ain't gonna happen.

    I don't think it would even help much if there was comprehensive health care. IMHO, the biggest thing wrong with "Obamacare" is the fact that it leaves skeevy insurance companies in "the solution".



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