Monday, November 14, 2011

Bachmann Says Victims Of U.S. Violence Should Pay For That Privilege

This won't come as a surprise to most people, but Michele Bachmann has once again shown she would be a disaster in international relations if elected president. Listen to what she said on Meet The Press yesterday:

It’s over 800 billion dollars that we have expended [in Iraq]. I believe that Iraq should pay us back for the money that we spent, and I believe that Iraq should pay the families that lost a loved one several million dollars per life, I think at minimum.

It's amazing enough that she was stupid enough to say something like that out loud, but putting it out on nationwide television with the whole world watching just shows she doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks about America. How could she even suggest that the Iraqis owe us anything for what we have done to them?

Consider the facts. We invaded their country unnecessarily, since they were not supporting al-Queda, did not have any weapons of mass destruction, and posed no danger to the U.S. at all. We killed thousands out Iraqis, and displaced millions -- most of them innocent civilians. We destroyed their infrastructure completely. And we installed a puppet government there.

Now we should demand they pay us for doing those things? Would we think it was fair for someone else to do that to America and then demand payment for it? Of course not. We'd be outraged. And outraged is what the rest of the world would be if we pursued such a crazy policy. It would damage our international relations even worse than Bush/Cheney did -- even with our friends.
Maybe she thinks this could be a new source of income to pay for more tax cuts for the rich. We just destroy countries and then demand they pay for that privilege. What a moron!


  1. Actually, Iraq was supporting Al Qaeda, and numerous other terrorist groups, all a specific violation of the cease-fire agreements.

    More than 50 WMD from the first gulf war were found after the invasion. Each of these were hidden, and not declared and secured as required by the cease fire. So yes he did indeed have WMD.

    As for "and posed no danger to the U.S. at all.", Afghanistan did not either until 9/11. Saddam's regime was aggressively violating the cease fire agreements and attacking us.

    And as for "And we installed a puppet government there.", we let Iraq choose this government, in a long laborious and very open process. There was nothing "puppet" about it.

    As for the issue you raise, sure it would Saddam Hussein's responsibility to pay us for the cost of retaliating against him. But his regime is gone. There's no reason to burden Iraq's freely-elected non-puppet government and the Iraqi people with such a burden. It's Saddam's fault, not theirs.

  2. Iraq did NOT support al-Queda and would not allow them in that country. Saddam and Osama hated each other, as everyone outside the U.S. knew.

    I'm still not aware of any WMD. What kind of them were found?

    How can you call that a free;y-elected government when all candidates had to be approved by the United States?


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