Monday, November 14, 2011

Cain Ready To Humiliate His Wife

Herman Cain has based his campaign on being different from the rest of the candidates. he likes to say that he's not a professional politician. The inference is that he would do things differently than a politician would. The problem with that is that it's just not true. He might not have held political office before, but he is no different from the other rich pricks that have.

Herman Cain is currently in the midst of a sex scandal -- one that has the potential of destroying his small hope of becoming the Republican presidential nominee. He has been accused of multiple incidents of sexual harassment and at least one sexual assault (stuffing his hand up a women's dress). He made it clear to these women that he would give jobs and other favors in exchange for sexual favors.

Now we know how a politician would handle a sex scandal. We've seen it far too many times in the past. First they would try to ignore the charges. Then they would deny them. Then they would refuse to answer any more questions and try to stonewall the whole thing. After all of those things fail, they then pull out the ultimate weapon -- their wives. The politician will parade his wife before the television cameras and tell everyone what a wonderful husband and father he is and how he could never do what he's been accused of. This seldom works, and usually just humiliates the innocent wife, but after everything else has failed it's all they have left.

Does all that sound familiar? It should, because it's the exact pattern that Herman Cain has followed. And today, he's playing the "wife" card. Although she's not been a public part of his campaign, she's all of a sudden scheduled to appear on Fox News today. Even though she was not with Cain when he committed the sexual harassments (and at least one assault) and cannot possibly know how he acts when he's not with her, she will try to save his political butt by telling America how wonderful he is.

Cain may not be a career politician, but he's sure acting like one. Maybe he's just a fast learner. I just think it's sad that he's willing to go all the way and humiliate his wife (who obviously hates the spotlight) on nationwide TV. I'm sure that Fox News will only ask her easy questions, but it'll still be a public humiliation for her. This tells us a lot about what kind of man Herman Cain is -- or isn't. He's willing to embarrass his wife because he can't be loyal to her. What a scumbag.

1 comment:

  1. I hope after he crashes and burns she divorces him and takes him for every thing he has.


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