Thursday, December 29, 2011

Law Enforcement Deaths Rise In 2011

Images like the one above happened far too often in the United States in 2011. According to figures released yesterday by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, the number of police officers killed while performing their duty in 2011 rose by 13%. A total of 173 officers were killed on duty -- 68 died in shootings, 64 died in traffic accidents, and the rest from "a variety of things including stabbings, falls and job-related illnesses".

2011 marked the first time in 14 years that the number of shooting deaths was larger than the number of deaths from traffic-related incidents. The 68 officers who died in shootings represents a 15% rise over shooting deaths in 2010. Shooting deaths had been declining in recent decades, and reached a low in 2008 with 40 deaths. However, since then the numbers have been rising and the 2011 figure represents a 70% increase over the 2008 figures.

We all know these brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect the rest of us every time they go on duty. Even one on-duty death of a police officer is too many, but 173 is far too many. And the fact that this number is an increase rather than a decrease is plainly unacceptable.

I have spoken against the misuse of authority by a few police, and the use of police by authorities to deny free speech rights of Americans (and I will again when necessary). But don't misunderstand that. I support the police officers in this country, and I know that the vast majority are good decent people trying to do a very difficult job to the best of their ability -- and they do it for love of their community and a desire to serve (and it certainly is not for money since they are definitely underpaid).

I really hope 2012 is a better year. And if there must be deaths of on-duty police officers at all, I hope it is a far smaller number than it was in 2011. And the next time you see an officer in your town, give him or her a smile -- and a thank you, if the situation is appropriate for it. They deserve our support and good will.


  1. I agree the cops are for the most part good guys who deserve our respect and cooperation.

    One of the major factors contributing to their increasing deaths on the job is the non-existent comprehensive gun control laws, which we sorely need.

    We write about this quite often.

  2. One thing I will point out, and repeatedly point out every time someone trots out the "police are required to be thugs because that's the only way to protect their life in a dangerous profession!", is that according to OSHA statistics, the job of police officer is NOT the most dangerous job in America. Or the second most dangerous job. Or the third most dangerous job. Or the fourth most dangerous job. Or the fifth most dangerous job. Or ... or even the 15th most dangerous job in America. The most dangerous job in America? High-rise steel construction worker. Most of the other dangerous jobs in America are construction or agricultural jobs that require dealing with dangerous machinery, chemicals, or conditions on a daily basis.

    Reality is that police officers have an on-the-job mortality rate of about the same as cab drivers, and for roughly the same reasons (spending most of their time driving and thus being in a lot of traffic accidents, and being targets for folks who want to either rip them off or just want them dead). But I don't hear anybody saying that cab drivers are required to act like thugs because they have a dangerous job. Huh. Imagine that!

    - Badtux the Safety Penguin

  3. Sorry MikeB...

    The law enforcement community already has ALL the laws the need to safely manage guns.

    The part that you are --still-- that LAWS DO NOT APPLY TO CRIMINALS. Why do 'you people' always choose that route? We need more laws, more laws, more laws.

    Stop wishing for more laws that will hurt responsible, law abiding people like myself...and maybe angle for stiffer penalties for the s**theads that don't care about your stupid "common sense" laws.


  4. Scott, you misunderstand me, on purpose I suspect. The "criminals don't obey laws" argument has been repeatedly disproven.

    No one on my side is saying criminals will obey. Only you guys keep accusing us of saying that, but we don't.

    What you refuse to look at is the gun flow from lawful gun owners into the criminal world. That's where ALL the guns come from and that's why you guys need to adhere to stricter and more consistent gun control laws if we ever hope to improve the situation.


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