Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pot vs. Kettle - GOP Style

If there was ever an instance of the "pot calling the kettle black", it is the current war of words going on between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Romney spoke up and said Gingrich should return the nearly two million dollars he got for his unregistered lobbying on behalf of Freddie Mac. Although he was not registered as a lobbyist, it's pretty obvious that Gingrich was using his influence with members of Congress to further the goals of the housing giant.

Not to be outdone, Gingrich shot back saying Romney should return the millions he made by "bankrupting companies" and "laying off employees" while at Bain Capital. Gingrich could have added that Romney also taught the people he benefitted through those layoffs how to hide the extra money in off-shore accounts to avoid paying taxes.

Both men are trying to imply that the other was involved in the financial shenanigans that destroyed the American economy and brought on the current recession. And they are both right. Both of these ethically-challenged men sold their soul to Wall Street and the corporate greed merchants long ago, and they were both deeply involved in both the politics and the financial misdeeds that caused our current economic calamity.

And because both of these men sold their souls (and their honor) for big dollars, it would be a disaster for either one of them to actually be elected president. Trying to decide which of these two should be president is very much like trying to decide whether to give the keys to the henhouse to the fox or the coyote -- it's not going to be too good for the chickens either way.

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