Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Americans Hypocritical About Drones

The United States is currently skirting international law by violating the sovereign airspace of other countries without their permission. They are doing this with the use of drone aircraft. It is known that these drones are being used in Pakistan, Iraq, and Iran (we know they are in Iran because the Iranians shot one of them down). But that is not all. The State Department has said it is considering widening the use of drones to other countries.

But a new Rasmussen Poll shows that a majority of Americans don't see any problem with the U.S. government using drones in this illegal way. In fact only 9% of Americans oppose the use of drones to spy on and even kill "terrorists" in other countries, while 76% approve of this (although it is unclear how anyone can know if the people being spied on or killed are terrorists or innocent civilians). And 50% of the population thinks the president should have the authority to use drones over foreign countries without getting the approval of Congress.

This is American exceptionalism at its worst -- the idea that America should be allowed to do things that other countries shouldn't be allowed to do. I'll bet 100% of the people in this country would think it was wrong for another country to use drones over American airspace -- even if they claimed to be hunting for "terrorists".

But it gets even worse. A majority of Americans don't want drones used over the United States, even when it is being done by our own government. Last week the U.S. Congress passed legislation that would make it easier for law enforcement agencies in this country to use drone aircraft for surveillance only. But this same Rasmussen Poll shows that 52% of Americans oppose this legislation. Only 30% approve of it, while 17% are undecided.

So, while only 30% of Americans think it is proper to use drones in America for surveillance, about 76% think it is OK to use them in foreign countries -- even to kill people. That sounds like the height of hypocrisy to me. Frankly, we shouldn't do anything in another country that we wouldn't allow that country to do in the United States. After all, don't we claim to believe in fairness and justice? Shouldn't we practice what we preach?

1 comment:

  1. American Exceptionalism is the puffery used to excuse misadventure abroad and inaction at home. In a recent post I analyze the American Exceptionalism concept and contrast it with a healthy patriotism that could help unite the public against those few who are ruining America. http://www.ragingwisdom.com/?p=629


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