Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best First Lady Ever ?

A fellow blogger (over at The Immoral Minority) asked a very interesting question yesterday. He was talking about another very successful appearance by First Lady Michelle Obama, and asked the question, "Best First Lady Ever?". I think it's a valid question.

There is no doubt that Michelle Obama has all of the qualities anyone could want in a First Lady. She has intelligence, bravery, empathy for others, grace, poise, and is attractive. And she has used her attributes to effectively represent our country -- both domestically and abroad. She is undoubtably a great First Lady, and I am very proud to have her represent me and my country.

But that wasn't his question. The question was -- is she the best First Lady ever? And my purely personal answer would have to be no (at least not yet). I would give that honor to the lady pictured below -- Eleanor Roosevelt. Maybe you disagree. Who do you think is the greatest First Lady ever?

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