Monday, February 13, 2012

Republicans Attempt Political Suicide

I have to wonder what the hell the Republicans think they are doing. President Obama has already fixed it so that no religious organization has to pay for contraception coverage for their employees, while the employees will get that coverage anyway. It was a brilliant move on his part, realizing that insurance companies would rather pay for contraception rather than abortions or full-term pregnancies (because it is much cheaper for them).

But the Republicans still oppose allowing American women to have full and free access to contraception. They have to be opposing this because the president proposed it, and no other reason. That's because the protestant churches most of these Republicans belong to have no prohibition on using contraception, and most catholic women ignore their church's ban on it. In fact, a recent survey showed that well over 90% of American women have or are using contraception.

But the Republicans oppose it anyway. And since no religious institution will have to pay for this, the Republicans have to be opposing contraception in general. This is not a position that will get them any new support. In fact, it will probably cost them support. Are they trying to commit political suicide? Are they trying to convince American women that voting Republican is a voting against their own interests (and health)? If they are, then they're doing a pretty good job of it.

It's amazing to me that they have taken such a backward and anti-woman position in an election year. Their economic views already have congressional approval at only 10% (in the latest Gallup Poll). Their attempt to deny contraception to women will surely drive that rating even lower.

What will they come up with next -- abolishing Medicare and child labor laws? Oops, I forget. They already come out against both of those. I don't think I've ever seen a political party try harder to commit political suicide. And after their performance of the last few years, they deserve to succeed in that quest.

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