Wednesday, March 21, 2012

There's A Reason Why The U.S. Isn't Trusted

For those of you who can't seem to understand why much of the world simply doesn't trust the intentions, reliability, or motives of the United States government, perhaps this chart will help. The United States has a very bad habit of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries -- including countries that think they are our friends. The U.S. thinks it should have the right to do anything they want to another country, but other countries should not have the right to respond. It's called "American exceptionalism" -- and it's just plain wrong and very stupid. (Found at the blog Thurman's Notebook.)


  1. What are you complaining about?

    We haven't invaded or intervened in Greenland, Argentina, or Canada.

  2. Patience, please! We'll get around to them.


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