Thursday, March 22, 2012

They Never Learn

As the above chart shows, the Congress is still very unpopular -- probably more unpopular than any other governmental institution in this country (on any level). The American people are not happy with the refusal of Congress to do anything to fix the economy or put large amounts of people back to work. This approval of Congress hit rock bottom last year when Rep. Paul Ryan and his Republican cohorts came up with a budget plan to eliminate Medicare, cut social programs, and give massive tax cuts to rich people and corporations.

The plan didn't pass, but it did make the Republicans very unpopular. But the GOP congress vermin never seem to learn. They have now come up with a "new" budget plan -- one that looks very similar to the unpopular plan that failed last year. Here is what the new plan will do:

* Eliminate Medicare and put the elderly at the mercy of private insurance companies. They will give old people a government subsidy, but it will not completely cover the cost of the private insurance. Any elderly people who can't afford to pay the new private premiums will be put of Medicaid (a far worse program than Medicare, which is not even accepted by most doctors). And they raise the eligibilty age for Medicare (while they eliminate the program, they keep the name).
* Makes massive cuts in education and social programs that actually work to help hurting Americans.
* Contains no job creation programs.
* Keeps the government subsidies in place for the Big Oil companies and other corporations.
* Gives the rich massive new tax cuts.
* Raises the military budget.

Sound familiar? It should. It's the same budget they proposed last year (with only very minor changes). The Republicans claim this budget must be passed because it is critical to cut the deficit and debt. That's laughable. While they claim their budget will cut the deficit and debt, the truth is that it will raise both (largely due to the tax cuts for the rich and the increase in the military budget -- neither of which is necessary).

We already knew the Republicans were waging war on homosexuals and women. Now we see they also want to wage war on the elderly, children, and the poor. I hope they spread the news of their new budget proposal far and wide. It's a sure vote-killer. Have they forgotten there's an election coming up?

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