Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Is The GOP Mathematically-Challenged ?

Did you ever wonder how the Republican right-wingers could continue to propose the same old "trickle-down" economic policies after those policies caused the most serious economic crash since the Great Depression, cost this country millions of jobs, and created a larger wealth and income gap than most banana republics have. I have always assumed it was just because they don't care about anyone but the rich (the only winners of the GOP policies). But there may be another reason.

Maybe the Republicans and other right-wing true-believers are just mathematically-challenged (i.e., they just can't count). Consider their latest brouhaha. A few days ago, the president held a rally in Ohio to kick off his re-election campaign. About 14,000 people showed up to support the president. But the venue where the rally was held could have seated 18,000 people (crowd is shown in the top picture above).

The right-wing jumped all over that. They said it showed that there was no enthusiasm to re-elect the president since he didn't fill the 18,000 seat arena. They said it showed the president was in trouble.

But they ignored a much worse turnout a few days later, also in Ohio, for Willard Mitt Romney (their own candidate). The Romney campaign had already been burned once by renting a large stadium and then only being able to fill one end of it, so they rented a 1,000 seat facility this time. And they couldn't even fill that (bottom picture). The campaign said 700 people were there, but the media said there was only about 500 people.

I think Jason Easley at Politicususa summed up the situation nicely when he said:

The fact that Romney couldn’t draw a crowd if you gave him charcoal and sketch pad is the reason why the Obama campaign is doing summersaults of joy every time someone on the right brings up attendance numbers. If you want to know which party has an enthusiasm problem, check out the pictures above. Tens of thousands turn out for Obama, less than a thousand for Romney.
When Obama draws 14,000+ it is a failure, but Romney draws 500 it is a great turnout. No wonder Republicans are so bad with our money, they can’t add.

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