Thursday, May 17, 2012

Please Tell Me This Is A Joke

Could this possibly be true? The world's most famous "C" student and worst president in the history of this country, George W. Bush, is writing a book. That's what the New York Times tells us. That's right. The ex-president who has trouble even speaking the English language is going to write a book (in English). But that's not the worst part. There are proof readers working for publishing companies, who can work tons of overtime hours translating Bush's book into readable English.

The really crazy part is what the book is going to be about. In his book, George is going to tell America how to solve its economic problems. Yes, you read that right. The man who inherited a budget surplus and turned it into the nation's largest ever deficit, sending this country into the deepest recession since the Great Depression, is going to give us his advice on how to boost economic growth. Here is his economic record:

* Inherited a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit of over $4 trillion.

* Presided over the biggest Wall Street crash since 1929 (costing investors trillions of dollars), and then spent $700 billion to bail out giant Wall Street banks (while hundreds of smaller banks across the country went under).

* Between 2001 and 2007 (before the crash and the recession) the Bush economy had the worst economic expansion of the post World War II era.

* In the first seven years of his presidency, Bush had the smallest job growth of any administration since World War II (and then many millions of jobs were lost in 2008).

* The Bush administration experienced the lowest GDP growth of any administration since World War II (and this is true even when the recession year of 2008 is not counted).

* Household income growth under Bush was negative for the first time since it started being tracked in 1967 (except for the 1% and the corporations, who did very well under Bush).

Is this really the man we want to be taking economic advice from? If this book is written, published, and purchased by bookstores for re-sale, it would be a crime to put it in the economics section. Maybe there'll be some room on the shelves dedicated to comedy. That's where it would belong.

1 comment:

  1. The moron obviously got bored sitting looking out the window, so he hired some other moron to ghost write it for him. What a waste of paper!


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