Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pro-Life? Really?

Republicans, especially the teabaggers, love to call themselves "pro-life". I'm not sure they really understand what it means to be pro (in favor of) life, because they are in favor of killing nearly anyone (except fetuses). Isn't this sort of like someone saying they're pro-chicken while eating fried chicken, because they don't eat eggs?

Most of these same people have no problem with the death penalty -- in fact, they'll even demand it. They do this in spite of the fact that numerous innocent people have been executed by various states (at least two innocent people are known to have been executed here in Texas).

These same people are in favor of unnecessary and brutal wars (like those in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan). They support this is spite of the fact that many thousands of innocent men, women, and children have been killed in these conflicts (conflicts that had nothing to do with defending the United States or its citizens).

These same people support the government assassination of people they designate as "terrorists" -- people that have neither been charged nor convicted of any crime. They do this in spite of the fact that this nation is supposed to be driven by the "rule of law".

These same people are in favor of repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) -- guaranteeing that at least 50 million of their fellow citizens will be unable to get health insurance, and millions more will lose their insurance because they contracted a serious illness. They do this in spite of the fact that many thousands of these people will die every year because they can't get preventive care or because they can't afford the expensive treatment needed to save their lives.

These same people oppose the imposition of reasonable gun laws. They do this in spite of the fact that lack of these laws allows violent people to get guns and cost the lives of many people.

These people could claim to be "anti-choice", because they are against any woman having the right to control what happens with her own body (even if it results in the deaths of many women by trying to get back-alley abortions). They could also  claim to be "pro-fetus", because they value the existence of that bit of protoplasm over the lives of real people. But they have no right to call themselves "pro-life", because frankly, they just don't value the lives of far too many people.

(Picture was found at Under The Mountain Bunker.)

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