Thursday, July 05, 2012

Real Hero vs. Deadbeat Chickenhawk

The people of the 11th Congressional District in Illinois have an interesting choice to make this year. Their current congressman is Republican Joe Walsh (above right) -- a teabagger who is mainly known for his refusal to pay court-ordered child support. Walsh, although he is pro-war, never served in the military. His opponent is Democrat Tammy Duckworth (above left). Duckworth served 20 years in the U.S. Army and served as a helicopter pilot in the Iraq War. She lost both of her legs and had her right arm injured when insurgents hit her helicopter with a RPG. She still serves as a colonel in the Illinois National Guard.

Walsh must know that he looks  rather inadequate when compared to a real American hero like Duckworth, because he is now saying she's not a hero at all. Why would he say such a ridiculous thing? Because she talks about her service and her injuries, and how that has helped shape her life and views. According to Walsh, a real hero doesn't talk about such things (unless they happen to be a Republican).

Personally, I think Walsh's attempt to denigrate the heroism of Tammy Duckworth is beneath contempt. And I'm not alone in feeling that way. Here is the statement released by Vote Vets (a non-partisan PAC that supports veterans issues):

Joe Walsh’s disgust for our veterans’ sacrifices knows no bounds. First, he falsely and maliciously claims that Tammy Duckworth, a veteran who lost her legs in Iraq didn’t have much of a record of service. Now, he denigrates that same American hero for talking about how her experience shaped her worldview and strengthened her resolve to serve even more – a conversation that isn’t just legitimate to have, but crucial as America charts its course domestically and internationally. This is a new low for this deadbeat dad. Telling a veteran to shut up on the 4th of July is beyond the pale. We are past the point of calling on Joe Walsh to apologize. He should step aside and and stop embarrassing his district and America.

They are absolutely right. Joe Walsh is an embarrassment to the 11th Congressional District of Illinois (and really to all Americans). Surely the people of that district won't re-elect this deadbeat teabagger chickenhawk.

1 comment:

  1. judas priest..dont' these people have any brains or a heart?..sigh*


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