Saturday, July 14, 2012

Texas Senate Race Offers A Choice Between Frick & His Crazy Brother Frack

Normally the Republican Party in Texas offers up candidates that are not much different from each other, and this year's crop is the same. They are all teabaggers who want to repeal Obamacare, cut social programs helping hurting Americans, increase military spending (in spite of the fact the U.S. already spends nearly half of the entire world's military spending), and "create jobs" by cutting taxes for the richest Americans and corporations. But this year's senate contest (to fill the seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison) is a bit different. Instead of a choice between Frick (teabagger #1) and Frack (teabagger #2), we get to choose between Frick and his crazy brother Frack.

Frick is Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. Dewhurst is pretty much a carbon copy of some teabaggers already in the U.S. Senate (like Mike Lee, Tom Coburn, Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson, Jim DeMint, etc.). His crazy brother Frack is former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz. Cruz accepts all of the teabagger views, and adds some conspiracy theories in with them. His favorite is the nefarious "Agenda 21" -- a plot by the United Nations to abolish golf courses in the United States (even though the truth is this U.N. initiative is just a voluntary program to support best uses for land worldwide, and was so timid it was signed by Republican George W. Bush).

It is extremely likely that the winner of the Republican primary run-off between Dewhurst and Cruz will be the next senator from Texas (and I personally feel Texas will owe the nation an apology regardless of which one wins). But while sending a teabagger to Washington would be bad enough, it now looks like Texas will opt to elect the crazy teabagger. Two new polls show Cruz has now grabbed the lead in the run-off primary. The first is a poll contracted for by a Cruz super-PAC:

Ted Cruz....................47%
David Dewhurst....................38%

This poll might be discounted because it was paid for by the Cruz forces, but there is another poll (not connected to either of the campaigns) and it says the same thing -- that Cruz has a significant lead. Here it is:

Ted Cruz....................49%
David Dewhurst....................44%

Another thing is Cruz's favor is that the PPP survey also found that the Cruz supporters are much more energized than the Dewhurst supporters, and that can be very important in a run-off where traditionally far fewer voters actually go to the polls. For the first time in this long primary campaign, I actually think Cruz will probably win. That's depressing.

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