Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The NRA - Defending Rights Or Shilling For The Gun Makers ?

My fellow blogger, UTMB over at Under The Mountain Bunker, did an excellent post on the NRA. I thought it was very good, so I stole it and am reposting it here for those of you who have yet to discover that great blog. Here it is:

 In our current reality, Wayne LaPierre’s National Rifle Association owns the GOP, body and soul, and controls the Democrats through fear. The NRA has successfully marketed itself as the national symbol of ‘Merican Freedom™ and as the only logical answer to all modern fear and anxiety.

Personally I’m not anti-gun. I am against the gunshow loophole. I’m against how easy it is to buy semi-automatic rifles and high capacity mags because Bush let those bans expire. I’m against how easy it is for straw purchasers along the border to load up on semi-autos and high capacity mags for Mexican cartels (Hello! Fast and Furious).

You know who’s not against any of those things? The NRA. Their bottom line is profit for gun manufacturers and dealers — that’s who they lobby for. Doesn’t matter who buys their products, only that their products are bought. If terrible crimes are committed with their product, great. They’re happy to generate more fear so more of their products are purchased. Follow the money.


  1. First off your picture is misleading or false... The magazine on the "assault weapon" would hold 30 rounds not 100... The firearm is most likely not an "assault rifle" but really an "assault weapon" (assault rifles have selective fire and are highly restricted here in the U.S.). The only reason this firearm is even defined as an "assault weapon" is because of some cosmetic features on the rifle... The trigger does not shoot 100 bullets per minute because it is an inanimate object and by laws of physics it can do nothing unless another force acts upon it (such as a human). In my personal opinion we need to leave the laws where the founding fathers left them... "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Yes people will take this out of context and say you should only be able to carry if you are in a "well regulated Militia". The courts have decided otherwise... Really I like to point out the "shall not be infringed" part... Although I do not exactly know the number I believe (i could be wrong) that there is over 20,000 gun laws in the U.S. so how are we not already infringed of our right to bear arms and why do you want to restrict it more? Do criminals obey gun control laws? So why restrict the law abiding citizens?

  2. This does not appear to be a hotbed of activity, but suppose Holmes had been unable to purchase an AR-15. What would have prevented him from obtaining a "hunting rifle" (you know, one with a wooden stock, but identical in performance to something more scary-looking?)

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

    1. Do you really think a hunting rifle and an AR-15 are identical?


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