Thursday, July 05, 2012

U.S. Is A Backward Nation In Worker Rights

Since this is a holiday week, I thought it would be a good time to show this chart. It shows the paid annual leave and holidays that are guaranteed by law in the developed nations of the world. Notice there is only one nation that does not guarantee workers get a paid vacation or paid holiday -- the United States of America.

Now there are many jobs in this country that do provide some paid vacation and holidays (but not nearly as much as many other nations). This is not due to the generosity of employers or government. You can thank the unions for that. Back when unions were strong, they bargained paid vacations and holidays into their contracts -- and many non-union plants had to start doing it also (or lose their employees as union jobs opened up).

That does not mean those paid vacations or holidays are necessarily here to stay forever. There is nothing in United States labor law to prevent any employer from doing away with them, especially now that Republicans have been fairly successful in busting unions and turning the public against them through their propaganda. Add that to the fact that there are now many millions of people without jobs, and it will probably stay that way for quite a while, and you have an environment that is ripe for growing worker abuse.

Employers, especially large employers, are not in business because they are nice people. They are in business to make money, and that is all they care about. If they can make more money by cutting worker wages and denying benefits (like paid vacations & holidays) then they will do it. The Republicans are already talking about busting even more unions, abolishing the minimum wage, and even doing away with child labor laws.

It is time to protect workers in the United States by passing a law requiring all workers be given a decent amount of paid vacation and holidays. All other developed nations already require this, and there is absolutely no reason why the United States shouldn't also do it. There will always be employers willing to abuse their workers, and it is time to stop it.

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