Thursday, July 19, 2012

Willard Is Out Of Touch With Americans

This image from Christopher Street shows just how out of touch Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is with the rest of America. He doesn't even have a clue as to how hard life is for the average American. Most waiters and waitresses work very hard, but they don't earn anywhere near a middle class income (even with tips). Willard doesn't know that. I really think he has no idea of just how small an income millions of Americans must survive on (according to the census report, about half of Americans life on an income of less than 150% of the poverty level -- far from middle class).

Maybe this is why he doesn't seem interested in helping ordinary Americans. He has been so sheltered all of his life, being born rich and becoming even richer as an adult, that he doesn't understand what its like not to have enough money to pay all of the bills. Or how devastating unemployment can be for working people. After all, he earns $21 million a year by doing nothing.

This is just another reason to vote against him in November. He can't (or won't) help the millions of hurting Americans if he has no conception of just how hard their lives really are. I'd love to see him try to live on $11,000 a year (or even $20,000). He couldn't do it (and its amazing that anyone else can -- although millions are forced to). And remember, he's now against raising the minimum wage -- obviously thinking that all those millions of "middle class" people earning minimum wage are doing just fine.

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