Friday, August 03, 2012

Did Romney Pay No Taxes For 10 Years ?

Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is still refusing to release more than one or two years of his tax returns. So far, he has only released his returns for 2010 (and even that was missing the attachment for foreign investments and bank accounts). It has a lot of people (including many of his fellow Republicans) wondering what he is trying to hide by not releasing more tax returns. Heck, even his own father released 12 years of his tax returns when he ran for president (the same number that President Obama has released).

Now Harry Reid, the Majority Leader in the Senate, thinks he knows what Romney is trying to hide. He says he was told by a Bain Capital investor that Mitt Romney did not pay any taxes at all on his multi-million dollar income for 10 years. Yes, you read that right -- 10 YEARS of paying nothing in taxes. Reid's statement has made a lot of right-wingers angry, but Reid is refusing to back off -- and yesterday he repeated the claim.

Frankly, this doesn't surprise me much. I suspected that he had paid little or no taxes for at least one or two years, and that was why he was afraid to release his tax returns. He knows that would upset a lot of voters. I never expected it to be for a 10 year period though, if it was true.

Now the ball is in Romney's court. He can either release his tax returns and prove Reid's charge is false, or he can continue to refuse -- and convince everyone that what Reid is saying is true. I think he'll do the latter, because if this is not true then he's hiding something equally damaging.

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