Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This Policy Must Change

In its infinite lack of wisdom, the federal government decided decades ago that Marijuana (hemp) was evil and they made it illegal to grow or possess it. It wasn't evil then and still isn't. The marijuana laws were designed to control "social misfits" (minorities and others who might oppose government policies of that time). Sadly, the federal government still follows the same misguided policy.

The truth is that marijuana doesn't hurt either individuals or the country as a whole. As a drug, marijuana is the least harmful drug known to man (in spite of government propaganda that says otherwise). Even the common aspirin is more dangerous than marijuana. And as a crop, marijuana (hemp) could create many new jobs in this country, and solve some of our environmental problems (like the caption on the picture above says). Why should we continue to cut down acres of trees to make paper, when 1/4 the acreage of hemp would make a more durable product? And that's only one of thousands of environmentally-sound uses for the hemp plant.

The government policy to keep marijuana illegal just doesn't make sense. And it makes even less sense when you consider the billions of dollars in new taxes that could be raised through its legalization. This is a policy that must be changed!


  1. A good, common sense argument for legalization and decriminalization of a naturally occurring plant.

    It's not like it's going to be eradicated, so we might as well put it to good use.

  2. I agree. It's also a chance for farmers to plant another crop with a small carbon footprint and an opportunity to diversify.

  3. You can't legalize marijuana! Then they wouldn't be able to arrest people all those people on drug charges and fill up the for-profit prisons. Where would they get the "free" labor then?

  4. I believe that the US govmint is too greedy and too stupid to allow it to be legal. And the really really stupid part is that when IT is grown for other purposes then 'drugs' its 'drug strength' is greatly reduced. But then we all know that if allowed to be grown then everyone will only grow it for the drug, just like all the booze in this country is done by moonshiners and there are no legit booze makers.


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