Thursday, August 16, 2012

Time For A New Policy On Hemp

For decades now, the United States has had a law making it illegal to grow or use the marijuana (hemp) plant in any way or for any purpose. This law has never made any sense, since marijuana is the least dangerous drug known to mankind. It not only makes criminals of decent hard-working people and wastes billions of dollars in a "war" that cannot be won, but it has kept the hemp plant from helping to solve some of our environmental and energy problems. It is time to legalize marijuana, tax it heavily for recreational use, and allow the free market to use hemp for a variety of things (all of which would create new jobs and hopefully solve old problems).


  1. I believe Woody Harrelson has had this crusade going for a long time (since the mid 1990s I think). See his affiliation with NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws).

  2. NEVER HAPPEN!!!! It will not be legal because the alcohol, tobacco, logging, & religious nut jobs(think of the children!!!!) will see to it.


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