Friday, August 17, 2012

Willard Is Still Hiding Something

This is just to remind you that Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) has still refused to release a substantial amount of his tax returns. He promised to release two years, but so far has only released one year (2010, and it is missing the page detailing his overseas accounts). So, in truth, he has not released a full tax return for any year!

This makes him look pretty bad when compared to other presidential candidates. President Obama has released 12 years worth of full tax returns (and Willard's own father, George Romney, released 12 years worth of returns when he ran for president).

Harry Reid has charged that Willard won't release his returns because he didn't pay any taxes at all for ten of those years. Mitt claims he did pay taxes in every year, but still won't prove it by releasing more tax returns. And frankly, he has lied so often in this campaign that I don't see how anyone could believe him without proof.

Willard's wife says they have nothing to hide, but won't release more returns because Democrats would use that to launch more attacks against them. Note that she didn't say Democrats would make up anything to attack them with, but that they would use facts in the returns to make attacks. That sounds to me like a confession that those returns contain embarrassing information that Willard and his wife are trying to hide.

We have passed the point now of wondering if Willard is trying to hide something by not releasing his returns. He obviously is. The only question now is "What is he trying to hide"? It must be something pretty bad, since he is taking a lot of heat by trying to hide it.


  1. Mitt is now saying he paid at least 13% fed taxes in the last 10 years. 13%! WTF! He thinks that's OK? How many of us only pay 13%? And now he wants to drop his rate to essentially ZERO and have the rest of us pick up the tab. Is he fucking crazy or what? How stupid does he think we are? We are not Teabaggers, you know!

  2. He can say what he wants, but he's lied too much to be believed without proof.


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