Sunday, September 02, 2012

A Campaign Based On Lies

The number of lies coming out of Willard Mitt Romney's campaign is simply astounding. I don't believe I have ever seen a presidential candidate with less regard for the truth (and I am old enough to remember campaigns all the way back to Eisenhower - Stevenson). Romney just says what he thinks his audience wants to hear -- with no regard to whether it is true or whether he himself has said the opposite to another audience.

The pictures above are perfect examples of this. In the top picture, he is quoted as saying that federal spending has accelerated "at a pace without precedent in recent history". That is just the opposite of the truth. In fact, federal spending under President Obama has grown slower than under any president in recent history. The president with the fastest growing spending of all is one of the Republican heroes, Ronald Reagan (closely folloed by George W. Bush).

Then you have Romney taking the president to task for saying the private sector is doing fine -- and then saying the same thing himself the very next month. Evidently, he thinks, or would like voters to think, that when a Democrat and a Republican say the same thing, it is untrue for the Democrat but true for the Republican. That kind of thinking is not only disingenuous, but defies rationality or logic.

But if you've based your entire campaign on telling outrageous and repeated lies, that rational thought or logic have little meaning -- and that is just what Romney has done. But maybe that's all Romney has. He really can't admit that he wants to go right back to the failed policies of George W. Bush -- the same policies that created the economic mess we're currently experiencing. He has to dress those policies up in repeated lies to make them sound different.

Steve Benen has been trying to keep up with all the lies Romney tells. And that seems to have turned out to be a full-time job. He is now on his 32nd edition of Romney's mendacities, and each edition is a rather lengthy one. If you have time (and a high tolerance for lying and stupidity), go over and read about the seemingly endless stream of lies the Republican candidate has told.

1 comment:

  1. I guess lying has become the new normal. It's getting to the point that everything anybody says has to be fact checked!


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