Friday, October 05, 2012

And Your Favorite ?

Supporting Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is indeed very irrational. Willard not only wants to go back to Bush's failed economic policies, but he would return to the Bush foreign policy also -- the foreign policy that turned most of the world against us. He even has many of Bush's aides working on his campaign -- and waiting for jobs in his administration.

President Obama hasn't been able to return this economy to full health, and he's still fighting one of Bush's ill-advised wars. But the first is mainly because of Republican obstructionism. Neither is a good reason to return to the policies of the Bush administration -- and that's exactly what electing Willard would mean. 

Vote in November -- and vote anything but Republican.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you accpt the argument of problems which actually happened under Obama being caused by the Bussh administration, which i wholeheartedly do, then you have to accept that some of the things that happened under Bush may have originated with Clinton, and even earlier.

    That would certainly be the case with "Record job creation in foreign countries," since it was Clinton who championed and signed GATT and NAFTA, the "Increasingly dysfunctional economy" goes all the way back to Ronald Regan, and the "Syrocketing prices on gasoline" also goes back the Clinton's policy of devaluing the dollar.

    No Bush fan, that's for sure, but...


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