Monday, October 08, 2012

Chavez Wins In Venezuela

Venezuela held its presidential election yesterday. The photo above shows people in line in Caracas, waiting to vote in the election. This was supposed to be the closest election in years for that country. At least that's what all the rightwing pollsters (and U.S. media) were saying. But it didn't turn out that way. The National Electoral Council (NEC) in Venezuela has released the results, and it looks like President Chavez has won by nearly 10 points.

The NEC says Hugo Chavez got 54.42% of the vote, while his opponent (Henrique Capriles) got about 44.97% of the vote. Now we wait and see if Capriles keeps his word. He had said he would accept the results, but the right-wing in Venezuela have shown in the past that they can't always be trusted. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they tried to claim the election was rigged and start some trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info. Haven't seen anything about the results in my news feeds - or maybe I just missed them.


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