Friday, October 12, 2012


The teabaggers won't like this. But then they regularly vote against their own interests and the interests of most of their fellow citizens. The truth is that, in their efforts to give the rich and the corporations more money and power, the Republicans are perfectly willing to throw everyone else under the bus -- including most members of their own base. (Found at The Immoral Minority.)

1 comment:

  1. I think that is stupid and insulting. If a woman thinks, for instance, that civil liberty or fiscal issues are more important than abortion, that does not make her an idiot.

    Just because a person believes that national causes are more important than personal causes, that does not make them an idiot. In fact the reverse is true. A person who votes against personal interest in favor of greater issues which he/she believes to be in the national interest is a person who I admire and respect.

    That poster is offensive, and posting it reduces my respect for the poster. Governance is about the well being of the many, not about the personal comfort of one.


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